Spring 2020 Meeting Minutes
Spring 2020 Soft Court Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2020
The Women’s Soft Court League of Birmingham held the Spring meeting at Life Time Fitness on February 25, 2020, at 9:30am. All club representatives were present except Trussville Racquet Club. All level coordinators were present except 3.0. There were 21 members in attendance including officers.
President, Meredith Vinson, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. She introduced the officers and level coordinators. Janet Simonetti, Secretary, called roll and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the spring meeting as posted on the website. Motion made to accept minutes by Lavonda Keel, seconded by Melody Debardelaben and approved.
Treasurer Melody Debardelaben presented the financial report. Since the Fall, we began the season at with $12,511.14, total expenses were $5,203.66. Spring fees collected were $7,630.00. Total cash balance is $14,937.48. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made, seconded and approved.
Meredith announced the winners and runners up for the spring season. Tennis Express gift cards in the amount of $30 and $20 were purchased as prizes for the Fall First and Second place teams of each level.
Meredith asked that the Club Reps ensure that team captains use the team login provided for the current season and not use past team logins.
Meredith reported in the absence of Vice President Kelly Miles, that 109 teams were scheduled for the spring season. The schedules are now FINAL. The season will begin March 2, 2020. Additional rulebooks were distributed to each club based on their new captain count. A limited few are still available from Meredith Vinson and the league rules in PDF format are on the website.
Meredith directed everyone to review the stat winners from the Fall season and those approved for move down requests. Level Coordinators and club reps were reminded to make sure players were playing at the correct level. They should be monitoring who has gotten letters and what level and position they are playing at. If there is an issue with players at the wrong level, opposing captain should file a grievance. If the ethics board determines that this is the case, matches would be vacated.
Meredith reminded everyone that the strength roster deadline is midnight before the first match even if the team’s first week is a Bye. She strongly encouraged captains to do this early and not wait until the night before. This does not allow level coordinators time to help if there are any issues. Everyone on the team roster must be on the strength roster; every court must have players listed on them (minimum of 2 per doubles court.) Match day helper sheets are in the packet.
The following proposals were discussed:
� Sherry Butler proposed an amendment to current match structure from 4 courts of singles and 4 courts of doubles, to an abbreviated format of 2 courts of singles and 4 courts of doubles on a �level-by-level� basis. It was decided that Meredith would send a summary of the proposal to the Club Reps who should determine the interest/approval by level (8 votes per club) and report the results to Meredith via email by April 1, 2020. Meredith would then summarize the results and send the finalized proposal to Club Reps for review.
o There was additional discussion of an informal proposal made by Ramona Cunningham to use a time limit for singles where singles matches ended at or before a specified time with the score at that time standing. This discussion was tabled.
o There was additional discussion for an informal proposal made by Meredith Vinson to allow No-Add in singles matches. This discussion was tabled.
� Stacey Gunderson proposed an amendment to the current rule of winning 85% of matches constitutes a move to the next level, to winning 11 sets constitutes a move to the next level. It was discussed and concluded that this should be handled at the club level.
� Nancy Pratt proposed that the statement under �Players and Substitutes, Section 1) Requirements� be revised to allow eligible children, who enjoy full club privileges, be allowed to play. The motion was made to remove the statement �Dependents of members (i.e. college students) are not allowed to play or substitute.� by Ramona Cunningham and seconded by Licky Randolph. The motion passed by majority, show of hands, vote.
� Sissy Barrett proposed an amendment from current strength roster requirements to �strength of the day� or random drawings. This was discussed and not accepted.
� Sissy Barrett proposed an amendment to match format in which doubles would begin at 9:00am and singles would follow. This motion was tabled pending results of the vote on Lavonda’s proposal to revise match structure to 2 courts of singles and 4 courts of doubles by levels.
Door prizes were awarded and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30am.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Simonetti, Secretary