2021 Spring Meeting Minutes
Spring 2021 Soft Court Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2021
The Women’s Soft Court League of Birmingham held the Spring meeting virtually, on February 15, 2021, at 10:00 am. All
club representatives were present except Greystone YMCA and Vestavia CC. All level coordinators were present. There
were 26 members in attendance including officers.
President, Kelly Miles, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. She introduced the officers and level
coordinators. Cindy Speake, Secretary, called roll and asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the Fall 2020
meeting as posted on the website. Motion made to accept minutes by Janet Simonetti, seconded by Kelli Jetmundsen
and approved.
Treasurer Melody Debardelaben presented the financial report. Since the Fall, we began the season at with $11,379.06,
total expenses were $9,183.75. Spring fees collected were $7,210.00. Total cash balance is $9,405.31. The website will
be upgrade to a secure domain.
Kelly Miles announced the winners and runners up for the spring season. Taco Mama gift cards in the amount of $30 and
$20 were purchased as prizes for the Fall First and Second place teams of each level.
Janet Simonetti asked that the Club Reps ensure that team captains use the team login provided for the current season
and not use past team logins. Contact Kelly Miles if you need your team ID or need it reset.
Janet Simonetti reported that 103 teams were scheduled for the spring season. The schedules are now FINAL. The
season will begin March 1, 2020. Additional rulebooks were distributed to each club based on their new captain count.
A limited few are still available from Kelly Miles and the league rules in PDF format are on the website.
New Business
Kelly Miles directed everyone to review the stat winners from the Fall season and those approved (8) for move down
requests. No one was required to move up. 10 players opted to stay at current level and are required to play at 1st
court in whatever category they made stats. Level Coordinators and club reps were reminded to make sure players were
playing at the correct level.
Janet Simonetti reminded everyone that the strength roster deadline is midnight before the first match even if the
team’s first week is a Bye. Everyone on the team roster must be on the strength roster; every court must have players
listed on them (minimum of 2 per doubles court.) Match day helper sheets are on the website.
Kelly Miles reminded club representatives to make sure the Spring 2021 Match Helper and COVID club requirements are
forwarded to the team captains and reminded that they are on the website. Club Reps are encouraged to print out the
COVID requirements and give to each player.
The Food Policy will remain the same as the Fall. No food and drink are required to be served. Each club and team can
determine if they will provide food, but are not required to. Club reps were reminded to tell captains that players need
to bring their own food and drink to matches. This policy will be revisited in the Fall.
The following Rule proposals were discussed:
1. An amendment to current match structure was discussed (this was carried over from Spring 2020 meeting) from
4 courts of singles and 4 courts of doubles, to an abbreviated format of 2 courts of singles and 4 courts of
doubles on a “level-by-level” basis. Will be effective Fall 2021. The Club Reps should determine the
interest/approval by level and report the results to Kelly Miles via email by Feb 22, 2021.
Discussion about changing order of singles and doubles (doubles first then singles). This was tabled until Fall
2. Proposed change to PLAYER and SUBSTITUTES, Section 2-Skill Level, Letter c.
Current Rule states: “5.0 USTA rated players will be allowed to play courts 1 and/or 2 in singles at the 5.5 Softcourt
level. …A lower rated player may not play above a 5.0 USTA rated player.”
Proposed Change: modify the last sentence to “Either a 4.5 or 5.0 player may be allowed to play courts 1 and/or 2”
*effectively 5.0 players will still be required to play on 1 or 2, but will allow for match day flexibility to play to
strength of the day, rather than having to automatically play 5.0 at 1st court.
Proposed change passed and will be in effect for SPRING 2021 season. The motion passed by majority, show of
hands, vote. Licky Randolph will inform 5.5 Captains for current Spring season
3. Change #3: Proposed change to GENERAL RULES, Section 7 Move-ups, Letter B
Current Rule states: “Rule 7A does not apply to the 5.5 level” Referencing the exception made that a 5.5 player who
makes her stats in 2 consecutive seasons is NOT required to sit out a season. At the other levels if a consecutive stat
winner opts to not move up, she must sit out a season. The exception for 5.5 exists because there is no where for
people to move up to.
Proposed Change: modify this to “If a player at 1st court makes stats 2 consecutive seasons in a row at singles or
doubles, for the next season they should not be allowed to play the position in which they made their stats. (For a
player who makes stats in both singles and doubles 2 consecutive seasons, they would need to sit out for a season.)
Prior to vote, there was a general discussion about designing rules that are “more inclusive” rather than “sitting
people out” of play. A question was asked about Soft Court Mission Statement which resulted in the Board agreeing
to find an existing statement or define a mission statement for Women’s Soft Court League.
Proposed change did not pass
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Speake, Secretary