Spring 2025 Meeting Minutes


Women’s Softcourt League of Birmingham
Spring General Meeting
February 20, 2025
The Women’s Softcourt League of Birmingham held the Spring General Meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 10:00 am at Pinetree Country Club. (Level coordinators held a short meeting at 9:30 to review their responsibilities.) All Club Representatives were present except Old Overton Club and Lake Cyrus. All Level Coordinators were present Andrea Warren, 2.5. All Officers were present. There were 27 Members in attendance for the formal meeting including officers.
President, Samantha Ebert, welcomed everyone to the meeting, introduced the officers and called the meeting to order. Jane Miller called roll and asked if there was a motion to approve the minutes from the Fall Meeting as posted on the website. Motion made to accept minutes byMeg Sullivan, Andrea Warren was not present, seconded by Betty Austin and approved unanimously.
Treasurer, Emily Key, presented the financial report. We began the Fall Season with $9,987.07. Total expenses were $6,475.13 - executive planning/meetings $317.96, prizes $5,096.09, printing/supplies $86.11, website/Google 19.99, board meeting $955.85. Spring 2025 team fees Licky Randolph and seconded collected (106 x $80) $8,480. Cash balance 2/20/2025 is $11,991.07. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report by Samantha Ebert and seconded by Mary Beth Dean and approved unanimously. Treasurer requested a donation of $2,750 to LETT. Motion to accept made by Licky Randolph, seconded by Betty Austin, and approved unanimously.

Samantha Ebert, President, announced winners and the runner’s up for the Fall 2024 season. Prizes were delivered to clubs prior to the meeting.
Samantha Ebert, President, announced Fall Stat winners. 20 players made stats, Singles-7; Doubles-13, Singles/Doubles-2(excludes 5.5) 17 of the 20 are moving up except 3 players who must play court #1 in the Spring 2025 season.
New Business
New Business
Samantha Ebert, President requested a motion to approve new level coordinators, 4.0 Level Coordinator-Lindsey Derieux-Hoover CC and 5.3 Level Coordinator-Gretchen Pickett-Old Overton Club. Motion made by Kelly Ray, seconded by AnneMarie Wilson, and approved unanimously.

● Meg Sullivan, Vice-President, reported that we have 106 teams, 1,277 players, 4.0 level has 2 divisions. . The season will begin the week of March 3rd. Last match is May 9th.
Meg reminded club representatives that strength rosters must be in by midnight March 2, even if the team's first week is a Bye. Everyone on the team roster must be on the strength roster; every court must have players listed on them (minimum of 2 per doubles court.) Failure to comply will result in the first set of each court forfeited for each match played until strength roster is entered. Captain must provide a strength roster and score sheet every match. Level coordinators need to remind teams that Team Forfeits will NOT be allowed. Position forfeits are allowed. Please review forfeit rules in rule book. LC’s encouraged to remind captains how rescheduling works and consequences.

Samantha reported that Match day helper is now included in rule book and on the website. Secretary will email all captains to ask for acknowledgement of receiving rule book.
Samantha reported the Move-Down request approvals
Rules and Policy Changes
Proposed to change language in Move ups 7a to Singles: A player who plays court 1 singles and wins 13/16 sets (8 scheduled matches) or 11/14 sets (7 scheduled matches) will be notified to move up to the next level. A player who plays court 2 singles and wins 14/16 sets (8 matches) or 12/14 sets (7 matches) will be notified to move up to the next level. A player making her singles stats on first or second courts the first season may remain at that level the next season but must play the #1 position. After making stats for the second consecutive season, the player must move up to the next level. An exception to this rule- the singles player may sit out the next season after making stats 2 seasons in a row. Doubles: A player who plays court 1 doubles and wins 13/16 sets (8 scheduled matches) or 11/14 sets (7 scheduled matches) will be notified to move up to the next level. A player who plays court 2 doubles and wins 14/16 sets (8 matches) or 12/14 sets(7 matches) will be notified to move up to the next level. A player(s) making her doubles stats on first or second courts the first season may remain at that level the next season but must play the #1 position. After making stats for the second consecutive season, the player(s) must move up to the next level. Exceptions to 8 this rule- the doubles player(s) may sit out the next season after making stats 2 seasons in a row or may split up and remain at the same level playing only courts 1 and 2. Motion to approve by Licky Randolph and seconded by Gena Webb. Approved unanimously.
Proposed to change language Move ups 7c to: The Ethics Committee has the authority to review any player at any time. A player making their stats at Court 1 or 2 and not moving up, but winning 85% or higher, in future seasons, may be subject to the move up requirement. Upon review the Ethics Committee has the right to enforce move ups. Motion to approve by Kim Hobbs and seconded by AnneMarie Wilson. Approved unanimously.
Proposed change to language Move ups 8 Consecutive Team Wins to: The ethics committee has the right to require a minimum of 4 players to move up to the next level. Motion to approve by Cheryl Collat. Approved unanimously.
Proposed to change language in General Rules 1 and 6 to: Spring League begins the first Monday of March. Fall League begins the day after Labor Day. Season matches, including all make-ups, should be completed by Memorial Day(Spring season) and Thanksgiving ( Fall season.) Motion to approve by Julie Cundiff and seconded by Kris Costigan. Approved unanimously.
Proposed to change language in Match Play 10 h to: The exception to this rule is all scheduled matches, including make-ups, must be completed by Memorial Day (Spring season) and Thanksgiving (Fall season.) Motion to approve by Betty Austin and seconded by Licky Randolph. Approved unanimously.

For Club Reps: If submitting a player to be added or moving clubs, submissions need to come from the Club Rep or Club Staff.

Door prizes were distributed.
The meeting was adjourned.